Heads for Trimmers and Brush > CERCOAGENTI.IT : All uk's regions - Sales Agents

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All UK's regions (Rif. Annuncio:
Heads for Trimmers and Brush
Sales Agents
+39 010 9133499

In order to strengthen our sales network, we select multfirm agents who wish to increase significantly theirincome with our highly innovative product.

Better is if the candidate already knows and acts in the followimg fields:
ironmonger, garden machinery and agricultural businesses.

He should own a car, to be immediately available, and willing to move within its area, however, we consider also other backgrounds.

We offer the highest commissions levels in the industry.

If you are interesting to receive further details,
please answer us to this e mail address: bis.import@gmail.com

Consulta Gratuitamente tutte le Offerte Nuovi Mandati Italia .
Abruzzo - Basilicata - Calabria - Campania - Emilia Romagna - Friuli Venezia Giulia - Lazio - Liguria - Lombardia - Marche - Piemonte - Puglia - Sardegna - Sicilia - Toscana - Trentino Alto Adige - Umbria - Valle d'Aosta - Veneto - Estero